WCF 404

Discussion in 'ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core' started by YouthSports, Sep 16, 2008.

  1. I am getting a 404 error when I try to browse to my svc file at http://www.youthsportsfan.com/admin/services/team.svc. I can see the file there if I turn on browsing. It is there in the IIS 7.0 management console, but I get a 404 error. I haven't checked on it in a while as I have been focusing on other areas of the application. But it was working before. Why isn't it working now? Does it have anything to do with the servers being updated to .NET 3.5 Sp 1?
  2. Here is my config section. Which property are you referring to? This has been working fine for almost two months




    <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled='true'/>
    <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults='true'/>
    <service behaviorConfiguration='MvcApplication.Services.TeamBehavior' name='MvcApplication.Services.Team'>
    <endpoint behaviorConfiguration='jsonBehavior' address='' binding='webHttpBinding' contract='MvcApplication.Services.ITeam'>
    <dns value='www.youthsportsfan.com'/>
    <endpoint address='mex' binding='mexHttpBinding' contract='IMetadataExchange'/>
  3. Thank you this fixed the problem.

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