Web Application Design Help

Discussion in 'ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core' started by albanello, Aug 28, 2006.

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  1. Hi
    I'm looking for some design help.
    I have a Web Application that has data that is maintained manually. (MSSQL 2000, VB.NET, ASP.NET)
    Presently I:
    1) Go to 4 different Site and write down 5 pieces of information from each site (Not a lot but eventually will be 100's of sites, I will need to go to for the information)
    2) Manually enter the 5 pieces of information in 4 different MSSQL 2000 tables. (Web Application User Interface)
    3) Manually run 10 different Stored procedures on all 4 tables which creates 40 different tables of data from the 4 initial tables. (Web Application User Interface)

    I want to automate this. Can someone give me some direction ?
    The following sequence would automatically start at midnight when the discountASP would fire a web application page.

    Here is what I think could be done:
    1) Access Rss Feed for data. (This is already Implemented)
    2) Parse Rss Feed for 5 pieces of data need. (This is already Implemented)
    3) Update 4 tables in the Application (Automate, Not Implemented yet but should be able to use present code)
    Here is where I need direction.
    4) Run the 10 stored Procedures in the Web Application (Not Implemented yet but should be able to use present code)
    4) Make the 10 table dependent on the table updated in step 3 and run stored procedures in MSSQL 2000. (Not Implemented yet)
    4) Better suggestion.

    I think this is possible but my experience is limited.
    Any help with step 4 will be appreciated
    Thanks for your help.
  2. Some time ago I used a product called asphttp from a company called serverobjects (http://www.serverobjects.com) not sure if that can help you or not. I found it a lot of fun to work with.

    Don Lareau
  3. Hello anybody out there?

    Must have posted in wrong forum, I will repost in the database forum.

  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    i am not exactly sure what you wish to do.

    Do you mean you want to parse some other website's content (or RSS feed) and based on the result, update some tables in your database?


  5. Don

    Thanks for your reply. I looked at http://www.serverobjects.com and don't see anything that would help me.

    Basically my question is:

    1) Is the method I outlined the best way to deal with what I am tring to do ?

    2) If it is the best way, is step 4 better done in the Web application OR in MSSQL (Create Trigger for 10 tables and let MSSQL update the 10 tables as a result of the the data update of the base table)

    Thanks again

  6. I guess your issue it whether its better to call n number of SP's from within your Application or make one call to a SP from your Web App and the SP will basically just execute other SP's which will updateall the tables you are talking about?I hope i have interpreted your question right?

    Firstly,if you are just connecting to a single Database then you could just update all the tables in a single SP and as far as the abovetwo options are concerned ,it depends how frequently you making updates,and how often may have to open connections.You may just end up saving a frw lines of code if you do everything at the backend.

    But it really doesnt make that much of a difference.


  7. Bruce and vvsharma

    Thanks for your reply


    Yes I have found a Site that has a Rss Feed with the data I need. I need to parse this data and update atable. Then from the updated tables useits data to create 10 other tables with the updated table data represented in different ways. The Question is which is the best way to deal with creating the 10 tables. 1) call the stored procedures from a Web Application automatically started by discountASP at midnight or Set up a trigger in MSSql to call the 10 stored procedures when the Data Table is updated by the Web App fired by discountASP. May be one is no better than the other.....I guess Im just asking if one or the other would be a better design/solution.


    After the site grows I will probably be making updates every night around 2:00 AM central time USA. As I said there could be maybe 50 table updates and 500 tables as a result of the 50 table updates. Right now there are 4 table update twice a week whiich will result in 40 tables. all this is in a single database.

    I hope this helps clarify what I am trying to do. I'm just looking for the best way to deal with this task.

    Thanks again

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