Web Application Gallery

Discussion in 'Announcements, news, blog posts' started by mjp, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. mjp


    We get a lot of questions here in the forum from people who have run into problems installing blogs, CMS, image galleries, wikis and other applications.

    What if I told you that you could install all of those things - and more - with a few simple entries and one click of your mouse?

    Now you can!

    We are happy to announce that we are now providing access to "one-click" installation of many popular applications in Control Panel. The applications are part of Microsoft's Web Application Gallery and are tested for compatibility with our platform before they are made available to you.

    You can glean more details from this Knowledge Base article, or access the Web Application Gallery right now, on the Web Application Gallery Installation Tool page of Control Panel.

    I know what you're thinking: don't those guys at DiscountASP.NET ever sleep?

    The answer is: sometimes.

    But not much lately. Too many cool things are floating around out there, and someone has to haul out the big butterfly net and round them up for you. It's our pleasure and privilege to do it.

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