Web Site setting not work

Discussion in 'Site Design, SEO, Google and Site Promotion' started by aspdbnet000, Jul 22, 2005.

  1. I am new to DiscountASP and testing the site. I tested my web pages and it does not work as the .shtm extension defined in the IIS manager Default Document is not recognized ( a bug?). On top of that <!--#include...> does not work and it is hard to build web pages w/o this standard tool. Is there any way to get around these 'fatal' items in web page building before I give up. JVM is also snot installed and all Applets of course not working. Many business type apps use a lot of applets. The strange thing is that these are all no effort items but are not offered. Wonder why?


  2. Support gave me a solution to rename the .shtm files to .aspx and it seem sto go. Now have to see how much work is there to convert...

  3. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    .shtml & .shtm is not supported on our servers for security reasons.

    ASP page should recognize the <!--#include--> tag.

    Java applet runs on the client machine, you do not need that on the server.



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