Hi guys, I am trying to setup my continuous integration here to automatically deploy using msdeploy.exe As a first step in the process I was trying to execute a sample command against my discountasp.net host as follows: msdeploy.exe -verb:dump -source:iisapp=shomovscom0.web705.discountasp.net,computerName=https://web705.discountasp.net:8172/msdeploy.axd?site=shomovscom0.web705.discountasp.net,userName=myusername,password=XXXXX,authtype=basic -allowUntrusted This fails with error 401 (unauthorized). Any ideas on how to move forward? Best regards, Petar
Thank you Bruce! That helped and I had to also change the site path, so my command line that works now looks like this: msdeploy.exe -verb:dump -source:iisapp=shomovs.com,computerName=https://web705.discountasp.net:8172/msdeploy.axd?site=shomovs.com,userName=myusername,password=xxxx,authtype=basic -allowUntrusted