I am having a problem in implementing an webservice. I have created this webservice ? here is the code: </o> Server Code: using System;</o> using System.Data;</o> using System.Web;</o> using System.Collections;</o> using System.Web.Services;</o> using System.Web.Services.Protocols;</o> using System.ComponentModel;</o> using System.Data.SqlClient;</o> </o> namespace MicrosoftPartner.Webservice</o> {</o> /// <summary></o> /// Summary description for WebService</o> /// </summary></o> [WebService(Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/MicrosoftPartner/WebService")]</o> [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]</o> [ToolboxItem(false)]</o> public class WebService : System.Web.Services.WebService</o> {</o> </o> [WebMethod(EnableSession=false, Description="Verifies Zip Code", BufferResponse=true)]</o> public AJAXResult CheckZipcode(string Zipcode, string City, string State)</o> {</o> Zipcode=Zipcode.Trim();</o> string ZipcodeBase="";</o> string ZipcodeExtension="";</o> AJAXResult retVal = new AJAXResult();</o> </o> if (Zipcode.IndexOf("-")>0 || Zipcode.IndexOf(" ")>0) </o> {</o> if (Zipcode.Length == 10) </o> {</o> ZipcodeBase = Zipcode.Substring(0,5);</o> ZipcodeExtension = Zipcode.Substring(5,4);</o> </o> } </o> else </o> {</o> retVal.returnData="invalidinput";</o> }</o> } </o> else if (Zipcode.Length == 9) </o> {</o> ZipcodeBase = Zipcode.Substring(0,5);</o> ZipcodeExtension = Zipcode.Substring(4,4);</o> } </o> else if (Zipcode.Length == 5)</o> {</o> ZipcodeBase = Zipcode;</o> } </o> else </o> {</o> retVal.returnData="invalidinput";</o> }</o> if (ZipcodeBase != string.Empty ) </o> {</o> SqlDataReader objDataReader = MicrosoftPartner.Components.StoredProcedure.GetZipCode(ZipcodeBase);</o> if (objDataReader.Read())</o> {</o> if (City.Trim() != string.Empty && State.Trim() != string.Empty)</o> {</o> bool matchCity = true;</o> if (objDataReader["City"].ToString().ToLower() != City.ToLower() || objDataReader["State"].ToString().ToLower() != State.ToLower())</o> {</o> matchCity = false;</o> }</o> while (objDataReader.Read())</o> {</o> if (objDataReader["City"].ToString().ToLower() != City.ToLower() || objDataReader["State"].ToString().ToLower() != State.ToLower())</o> {</o> matchCity = false;</o> }</o> }</o> if (matchCity == true)</o> {</o> retVal.returnData = "valid";</o> }</o> else</o> {</o> retVal.returnData= "cityzipinvalidpair";</o> }</o> }</o> else</o> {</o> retVal.returnData = "valid";</o> }</o> }</o> else</o> {</o> retVal.returnData = "invalid";</o> }</o> </o> objDataReader.Close();</o> }</o> </o> return retVal;</o> }</o> }</o> </o> public class AJAXResult</o> {</o> </o> public Boolean errFlag;</o> public string errMessage = "";</o> public string returnData = "";</o> </o> }</o> }</o> </o> </o> Here is guts of the calling page: </o> <%@ Pa<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"></o> </o> <link href="Style/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /></o> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></o> function showSpanQuestions() {</o> document.getElementById("spanQuestions").style.display="inline";</o> </o> }</o> function checkZip() {</o> showSpanQuestions();</o> return;</o> </o> var reqUrl = "Webservice.asmx/CheckZipcode";</o> xmlReq2 = null;</o> if(window.XMLHttpRequest) {</o> xmlReq2 = new XMLHttpRequest();</o> } else if(window.ActiveXObject) {</o> xmlReq2 = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");</o> }</o> if(xmlReq2==null) {</o> return; // Failed to create the request</o> }</o> // Anonymous function to handle changed request states</o> xmlReq2.onreadystatechange = function()</o> {</o> switch(xmlReq2.readyState)</o> {</o> case 0: // Uninitialized</o> break;</o> case 1: // Loading</o> break;</o> case 2: // Loaded</o> break;</o> case 3: // Interactive</o> break;</o> case 4: // Done!</o> return validateZipcode(xmlReq2.responseXML);</o> break;</o> default:</o> break;</o> }</o> }</o> </o> // Make the request</o> </o> xmlReq2.open ('POST', reqUrl, true);</o> xmlReq2.setRequestHeader('Content-Type','application/x-www-form-urlencoded');</o> //alert("1.5:" + destUrl);</o> //alert(searchStr + "-" + URLencode(searchStr));</o> </o> xmlReq2.send("Zipcode=" + document.getElementById("textZip").value + "&City=" + document.getElementById("textCity").value + "&State=" + document.getElementById("selectState").value); </o> </o> }</o> </o> function validateZipcode(xmlResp) {</o> </o> var response = xmlResp.documentElement;</o> if (response != null) {</o> var error = response.getElementsByTagName('errFlag')[0].firstChild.data;</o> }</o> if(error.toUpperCase() != "TRUE"){ </o> var data = response.getElementsByTagName('returnData');</o> var responsedata = data[0].firstChild.data; </o> </o> if (responsedata == 'invalid') {</o> document.getElementById("regexZip").style.display="inline";</o> } else {</o> if (responsedata == 'cityzipinvalidpair') {</o> alert ("the city and state do not match the zip");</o> }</o> </o> document.getElementById("regexZip").style.display="none";</o> }</o> </o> }</o> }</o> </o> </script></o> </head></o> </o> </o> <form id="form1" runat="server" method="post"></o> </o> <div id="container"></o> <div id="centerCol"></o> <img src="images/ibis/LandingPage_Header.jpg" /></o> </o> <div class="mainContent"></o> </o> </o> <asp:TextBox MaxLength="255" onchange="checkZip();" name="textZip" id="textZip" CssClass="formField2" runat="server" /></td></o> </o> </div></o> </div></o> </o> </form></o> </o> </o> </o> </o> </o> I?ve included the entire code for the calling page at the end of the email just in case.</o> </o> This is the problem I?m having ? I can compile and run this on my machine under localhost. I?ve been able to deploy this to a server in my office and use it via an IP address ? I can not seem to get it to run after I deploy it to your server that we rent. The error I?m getting is that when the callback function is called (validateZipcode) the response object xmlResp is null. I made some logging routines that write logging info to a database and it appears that the webservice doesn?t even receive the request. Do you have any idea why this might be happening.</o> </o> </o> </o> </o> </o> </o> </o> </o> </o> </o> <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" Inherits="MicrosoftPartner.Default" Codebehind="Default.aspx.cs" %></o> </o> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"></o> </o> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"></o> </o> <head runat="server"></o> <title>Microsoft Dynamics: Request A Free Whitepaper from a Gold Certified Partner. Everyone Gets It.</title></o> </o> <link href="Style/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /></o> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="Includes/JavaScript/ClientUtilities.js"></script></o> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></o> function showSpanQuestions() {</o> document.getElementById("spanQuestions").style.display="inline";</o> </o> }</o> function checkZip() {</o> showSpanQuestions();</o> return;</o> </o> var reqUrl = "Webservice.asmx/CheckZipcode";</o> xmlReq2 = null;</o> if(window.XMLHttpRequest) {</o> xmlReq2 = new XMLHttpRequest();</o> } else if(window.ActiveXObject) {</o> <SPAN