Website email problems, having submitted a ticket for hours without hearing anything back

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by jcheng, Jul 10, 2007.

  1. We have submitted a ticket 761273 several hours ago still have not hear anything back at all. Much of the site is not functioning because of this issue. Need immediatenly attention from your tech support.
  2. We've noticed that emails are not being generated by our ASP.NET application. Everything has been fine with email generation for the past several months, but today nothing seems to be leaving the server. Possibly a related problem?
  3. Yes. same problem here. What seems to be very disappointing is that they are horribly slow in responding support ticket.We noticed this problem first thing in the morning and it has beenat least3 hours we didn't hear anything at all. It's just like that they are running this service part time.
  4. It is my hope that "lost" messages are still waiting in a queue for processing and will go out when the issue is settled. I would hate to have to re-create all of the lost emails manually to satisfy our client base. Obviously, any feedback from the hosting staff would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Yes. There was a problem w/ the outbound gateway. Our sysadmin has resolved the problem.


  6. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

  7. It appears that discountasp is quite happy that as soon as "no email was lost". What I was not happy about is, I submitted the ticket at 7:02AM, and only got a response at 10:47AM. It's almost 4 hours. For regular tech questions, I wouldn't mind to wait for 4 hours. But you have a server down for 4 hours without being addressed and that's kind of outragous. I asked support guys why it took so long? They replied that "the automatic monitoring system has failed to detect the problem." But how come it did not get any attention in 4 hours after I reported the issue via both email and fax? I understand that sometimes the support volume gets a bit over the capacity and can cause delays, but you can have "front-end" person to sort the support tickets and prioritize them first and then have "back-end" persons to response them. There are definitely rooms to improve as to support response time. I've been using your service for quite a while, when there is no problem, your response time is great, but almost everytime when there is a system problem --- when your immediate attention is most needed---- your support people are missing.
  8. mjp


    jcheng, You're right, you should have received at least a "we're looking into it" response before the problem was identified and fixed. In general we are always working toward quicker responses, and we do have outage procedures in place. I will try to determine where the process broke down this morning.


    DiscountASP.NET - Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
    - asp.netPRO Magazine 2007 Readers' Choice Award for Best Hosting Service
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  9. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    The problem was that we are not even aware of the problem. The problem happened in such a way that it slipped by our monitoring system. The mail server was running and the port was opened but it is not taking any mail.

    Our admin is already in the process of tweaking the monitoring solution to alert us if there's any future incident.



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