Website Log Finding --- Need to pick some brains!

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by mom2giqm, Jun 19, 2008.

  1. I don't even know what to call this and I may not even do the greatest job explaining bear with me.

    In reviewing the Livestats and the raw logs for one of my websites (for a candidate for a local election), I have encountered something very bizarre. There is one IP address that has literally been 'on' a page on my site since 1 am 6.12.08. I think the system starts recounting after 6 hrs, but the IP address is always on and it's in the logs. So far nothing sinister had been detected. Nothing's been hacked or anything. Only other odd bit is that the Method changed from GET to POST after the first 6 hrs.

    Right now...this is just really weird...and I am trying to figure out what someone would gain by parking their browser on a web page indefinitely.

    Any ideas? Guesses?

    Anyone ever experience something like this?

    I know the IP address is registered to a local service and it is a residential address, but that's about it.

    Also...they came to the website originally through a google search. They have been to a few pages, but they have spent the majority of the time parked on one particular page.

    Thanks in advance.


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