What do I need to tell a contractor about DiscountASP's servers before hiring?

Discussion in 'HTML / PHP / JavaScript / CSS' started by lead2crm, Jan 13, 2011.

  1. I'm about to hire a contractor to install open source software that typically runs in a LAMP environment. What are some things I need to tell him about DiscountASP's configuration before hiring to do the job?
  2. You should probably let them know it's going to be on a Windows hosting environment as there will be differences between the environment they're used to.

    Also, we do have a KB article which mentions some of the extensions enabled in our PHP.ini:

    Should he have any questions, he's more than welcome to visit here and ask.
  3. Specifically, I am hiring someone to install SugarCRM on my discountasp.net instance. Some contractors bidding on the project think that this hosting company might be a hang up, but I see this discountasp.net customer has successfully installed the CRM:


    Are there any tips or help I can give the bidders?
  4. mjp


    Other than what Jose already said, not really.

    The differences between deploying a php app on *nix and Windows have decreased quite a bit over the past few years, but there are still differences. Only someone who has already dealt with Sugar could give you any specifics.

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