What is the outgoing SMTP limit for each email account?

Discussion in 'Email' started by Planet Maine, Feb 1, 2008.

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  1. What is the outgoing SMTP limit for each email account? I am trying to send to a list of about 150 and receiving this

    "Your message exceeds the maximum number of recipients allowed for this domain. Please contact your email administrator for more information."

    I thought the DAP limit was 1000/account/24 hour period.

    Please advise,


    Will Sugg

    Post Edited By Moderator (mjp [DASP]) : 2/7/2008 1:49:23 AM GMT
  2. I think they customize it for your account if you create a Support ticket.
  3. This is the reply I received from DAP. I think this is lame - 40?!. I think Yahoo even gives me like 200. They are off by an order of magnitude. This is forcing us off to iContact or the like for $150/year.

    Dear Will,

    Please read this article on this issue

    Please let us know if you have any further questions.

    Thank you,

    Joe R.
  4. mjp


    I don't know what your support ticket said, but if you ask to have the limit increased, we can do that. Just reply to that message and let us know what you need.

    The default recipient limit may seem low, but bear in mind that a lot of ISPs will not accept messages that contain large recipient lists. AOL, to cite one large example, rejects any message that contains over 200 recipients. So listing all recipients in the to or cc fields is not the optimal way to send to a list.

  5. Hi MJP,

    You are reading the entire ticket response in my post. There was no mention of being able to increase it. I will pursue it through the ticket system. Thank you for being responsive.

  6. They did increase outgoing to 100 which I assume is some sort of antispam ceiling. For those needing a great list/newsletter management program check out iContact. http://www.icontact.com/a.pl/143727


  7. MJP... so what is the best way to do large emailings then?

    I am too hitting this limit (at 10).

    Previously with Squirlmail, we were able to send several hundred addresses at once... for our monthly mailing list.

    If I need my clients to change their process, I would like to move them to the most optimal method.

    The largest mailing list we have right now is about 1,200 people.
  8. mjp


    We recommend using a third party service for newsletters or otherlarge mailings. It's an additional expense, but most people who use one of the services are happy with the flexibility and ease of management. You will spend a lot less time managing and sending to your list if you go that route. The mailing services are optimized for that sort of thing, obviously we are not.

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