what must I replace with Visible attribute in c#?

Discussion in 'ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core' started by Cyberoxy, Jul 6, 2011.

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  1. Hey there

    I need a small fixing. I am brand-new to C#. I wrote codes in code behind (C#) to access data to my gmail account.

    I got the email from my gmail account - look at the problem data (bold):

    Name: xxx
    Surname: xxx
    Email: xxxxx
    Description:Card A6
    Order:true // no data

    It should be : Order: Images/order_names/faithcard.jpg

    code behind:
    msg += "<br>Description:" + description.Value; //correct
    msg += "<br>Order:" + group1.Visible;// it is wrong. replace something with Visible??

    I have put runat="server" in optgroup tag instead of select tag - it seems working because there is no displaying compile error.

    <select name="order" multiple="multiple" size="12" style="width:330px;" id="dlist1" onchange="swapImage1()">
    <optgroup label="Sow Seeds of Love" id="group1" runat="server">
    <option selected="selected" value="Images/NoneImage.gif">None</option>
    <option data-card="32.00" data-memo="62.00" data-tags1="1.80" data-tags4="8.50" data-key="30.00" data-fridge="40.00" data-flower_sachet="----" value="Images/Order_names/SowSeeds/Faith01_yellow.jpg">Faith</option>

    I am just asking what must I replace with Visible because it only displays "true" in email instead of full data such as Order:Images/order_names/faithcard.jpg?
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