I have a web site with discountasp.net that I haven't set up yet. I am trying to connect with IIS Manager but I don't what to enter for server name. I have tried my domain name with and without www, I have tried discountasp.net, but none of them seem to connect. I have enabled IIS manager in my control panel for the user I am logging on with. Any help would be great.
Look here: http://support.discountasp.net/KB/a400/how-to-connect-to-windows-2008iis-7-using-microsoft.aspx
The KB says: Server name: Your alternate URL address (excluding the "http://" portion) Site name: Your domain name But this does not work for me... Any chance DASP can include these instructions in their account setup overview for people who need to use IIS Manager? It's painful to search through threads for over 15 minutes for this simple question.
Look into your account information in the control panel, under web deploy section. https://my.discountasp.net/account-info.aspx Server name is webXXX.discountasp.net:8172 site name, user name, and password are all under web deploy publishing information. Make sure you grant user access to IIS manager from control panel https://my.discountasp.net/web-manager/iis7-manager.aspx