Whether Discountasp.net Supports J# Dll ?

Discussion in 'ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core' started by raymondp, Oct 15, 2007.

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  1. I'm afraid we do not support J# redistributable package on our shared hosting environment.

  2. Hi,

    Anyone used JSharp dll with their project...

    We used one J#dll in our website running in asp.net 1.1 framework.. it works well in local.. when we moved to discountasp.net server

    It says "File or assembly name vjslib, or one of its dependencies, was not found."

    When I googled It says we need to install "J# redistributable package"

    whethere Discountasp.net will install "J# redistributable package" to the server if their customer needs ?

    Please Reply..

    R. Gangeyan
  3. Is this still the case? Is it possible to pop a j# dll in somewhere and reference it.

  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    We do not support J# because of limited demand.

    You cannot just copy the dll to the bin; it needs to be installed on the server for it to work properly.


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