I changed an image on my main page to reflect the change in my site's URL (originally it was going to be knowitall.com, but it ended up being knowitallsports.com). I uploaded the updatedimage to my site (to discountasp.net), yet the "old" image still displays. Why is that? Here is the pertinent html: <asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/SiteBanner2.PNG" alt="Site Banner" /><asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/SiteBanner2.PNG" alt="Site Banner" />
Always do a hard refresh with which ever browser you use. If that doesn't do it clear your browser cache.
If you mean Control Panel | Internet Options | General | Browsing history Delete | Temporary Internet Files Delete Files, I tried that and my site still shows the old image...
It finally showed up, although I'm really curious why it only did so hours after I updated the file...