Is AspDNS OR IP*Works! V8 ActiveX Edition OR any other component to perform Reverse DNS lookups through Classic ASP installed on the Windows 2008 Servers?
We are using Classic ASP on the Windows 2008/IIS 7 platform. Is it possible to install "IP*Works! V8 ActiveX/COM Edition" or a similar component to allow for Reverse IP lookup to allow us to do something like the below? Set DNSLook = Server.CreateObject("IPWorks8.IPInfo") DNSLook.ResolveAddress Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") GetDomainName = DNSLook.HostName Set DNSLook = Nothing
Not at this time. We focus on ASP.NET so there are no plans to offer the COM edition. I'll mention it to our Product team though.
Anybody know of another way to perform reverse DNS lookup at DiscountASP from Classic ASP on Windows 2008/IIS 7? Looks like AspDNS component (From ServerObjects?) was available at some point in the earlier servers (not anymore).
we stopped offering ServerObject's components because it starts crashing after win2k3 sp1. May be this script will help,
Unfortunately that script requires creating a shell (Server.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")) and invoking run, which understably is a security issue in a shared hosting environment and hence is not allowed/supported by DiscountASP. Any other ideas? Also FYI: In our test environment locally we are using Windows 2003 SP2 and ServerObject's ASPDNS and it works.