Windows Server 2008 / IIS7 Performance

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by danrendrag, Jul 26, 2008.

  1. Is it just me, or does IIS7 really fly!

    Seems like the delay we had gotten used to when first hitting a "cold" aspx page (or app)on IIS6 is gone!
    (Sometimes it would take 30+ seconds to render the first page)

    Should we expect this kind of performance going foward on IIS7?
    Or, is the current gain due to the W2K8 servers be very lightly loaded/provisioned at this time?

    What has anyone else noticed is this regard?

  2. mjp


    Provisioning on IIS 7 servers is not lighter than IIS 6, but it's difficult to make a direct comparison between the platforms for a lot of reasons. You may be seeing the benefit of double the available memory on IIS 7, along with the inherent speed improvements that were touted as part of the release. Your experience is pretty common though. People really seem to be enjoying IIS 7 once they work past the differences from IIS 6.

    One other effect of newer servers is they generally house newer sites. So while there may be a greater number of sites on, say, a new IIS 7 server, most of those sites are not yet established. The older servers generally see more traffic since the sites have been around longer. Of course, through attrition over time we also add new customers to the older servers, so the usage tends to balance itself out.

    In any event, we're glad that you are enjoying it!

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