Windows Server 2016 / IIS 10 / .NET Framework 4.7 Beta?

Discussion in 'Getting started' started by GMTR, Apr 7, 2017.

  1. Hi, Windows Server 2016 / IIS 10 has been out for a while, and .NET Framework 4.7 was just officially released. Any plans for beta servers as done in the past?
  2. Or better yet, any ETA for full support for the latest Microsoft stack (Server 2016, VS2017, etc.)?

    The DiscountASP.Net home page needs a bit of updating, as well - Windows Server 2012 isn't exactly the bleeding edge anymore. ;)
  3. Takeshi Eto

    Takeshi Eto DiscountASP.NET Staff

    We are testing Windows 2016 but don't have a firm timeframe of production launch.
  4. Thanks for the response, but that's sort of unsatisfactory. How long has Server 2016 been out? I've already upgraded my development systems, and am now hamstrung by your failure to provide the current solution in a timely fashion.

    Switching providers is going to be a pain, but you aren't leaving many alternatives.

    So I'll ask again - is there an ETA you are willing to commit to? Or is the best you can do nothing more than an open-ended 'Well, we're testing...'

  5. Takeshi Eto

    Takeshi Eto DiscountASP.NET Staff

    I'm just being honest about what is going on. I have no firm ETA yet. I don't want to give you a date and not be able to hit it.

    What feature are you looking to use that requires Windows 2016?
  6. Basically, I'm just looking for compatibility with the .Net and IIS rev levels associated with VS2017 and Server 2016. I am going to be migrating from Server 2K8R2 and .Net 3.5 (IIRC). I've already upgraded my development server and ported the web apps, and I'm looking for compatibility with that environment. I don't have any interest in porting to anything less than that configuration because it'd just mean double the work, in the long run.

    I'm just surprised that you guys weren't ready to roll out the latest stuff when it was officially released. I was under the impression that you guys made it a point of your business to provide compatibility with the latest development stack, etc.
  7. Takeshi Eto

    Takeshi Eto DiscountASP.NET Staff

    If you have a web app on an older windows server and want to update to a newer windows server environment that we support, then just let our tech support team know and we will move your site for you. So don't think of migration as double the work. We'll help you.

    We used to be on top of all the Microsoft technologies because Microsoft used to work closely with us before the official launch. Many times, we would go-to-market together simultaneously and it was a priority for us to be there when Microsoft launched on day one. But over the past years Microsoft has shifted the way they work with partners. Most of the time now, we are in the dark as to when they officially launch stuff. So there are challenges now in allocating resources to new stuff when we don't know when it'll really launch.

    Also new Microsoft technology releases focus more on improvements around enabling Cloud infrastructure and our infrastructure is traditional windows shared hosting. So from our point of view, a lot of the new features typically do not impact our platform.

    In addition, in the past, updates were rolled up and all launched together with fanfare - but now each Microsoft silo is engaged in their own independent rapid release cycles with a mandate to be cross-platform. The O/S is becoming less important for web application technologies as it needs to work on everything.

    So we put more emphasis in keeping up with what is going on with ASP.NET. In fact, you are the first person that I've personally seen that asked about Windows 2016, whereas we get a lot more inquiries about .NET Core.
    mjp likes this.
  8. The main selling point of Server 2016 is IIS 10, which has HTTP 2, a major upgrade to a decades old spec that was highly anticipated.
    That alone should make it worth upgrading any server farm as soon as possible - major HTTP improvements don't come around often.
  9. Hello, it's been several months, where's the beta?

    I'm confused what you are testing exactly - it's very similar to 2012 R2, and there were several technical previews you should have been testing to ensure a timely rollout of Windows Server 2016.

    Additionally, what release channel will you be on?

    Please clarify whether you will be using Semi-annual or LTSC.
  10. mjp


    As Takeshi mentioned, we're no longer doing betas because Microsoft doesn't give us (or any other host) early access anymore. Those previous betas (our Labs Program) were intended to give our users pre-release access to updates or new technology. Since those pre-releases are no longer available, beta servers become a moot point.

    Our update schedule for Windows 2016 will be the same as our update schedule for everything else. Meaning it will be dependent on monthly Windows updates that come from Microsoft, and are automatically installed by WSUS.

    I know you guys want Windows 2016, but outside of the forum here, we still don't see much demand. This thread is the only mention I've seen of HTTP 2 (I just searched our help desk and there isn't any mention of it in there, and we get a lot of product requests via the help desk). I'm not suggesting that your requests are not important, they are, I'm just explaining the view from our side of things.

    We'll certainly roll out 2016 at some point, it's just not a priority at the moment.
  11. mjp



    This "new world of faster release cadences" that they are touting just makes it increasingly less possible for us to support the very latest versions of things. We ran headlong into the rapid release problem with .NET Core. They release new versions much more frequently than a large commercial production hosting platform can tolerate.

    That breaks with our tradition of providing betas of new technology, and that's unfortunate. You would be surprised (or maybe you wouldn't be surprised) at how many bugs we would uncover in those betas. We'd report them, they would fix them, then the product would eventually release.

    Now they just release the bugs and fix them (maybe) in the next release. That's not a great way to develop software that websites and businesses rely on, and it's certainly not what the majority of our customers want. When we're forced to retire old software that is no longer supported - like Windows 2013/IIS 6 - it can take us a year to do it, because the people whose sites are running fine on the old platforms don't want to move. Understandably.

    Which is my long-winded way of saying we'll always keep up with the latest available stable versions, because that's what makes sense for us and most of our users.

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