Wine Country Custom Carving

Discussion in 'Site Design, SEO, Google and Site Promotion' started by ssflyer, Jul 11, 2009.

  1. Hi all,

    I've been working on my site, Wine Country Custom Carving, and would appreciate any feedback on it. I plan on adding an eCommerce store to it shortly. Please take a look, and let me know what you think!

    Thanks and best regards,
  2. Hi Ron,

    I've just visited your website with IE8 - there is a screenshot attached.
    I'm pretty sure it's not the look you're going for so I think there is some sort of issue that needs fixing at the moment.


    Attached Files:

    • wccc.jpg
      File size:
      64.8 KB
  3. Oops

    Sorry Joe,

    I was working on the site :eek:- please give it another try!

  4. Hi Ron,

    On first load it appeared to give my anti-virus scanner an aneurism, but after about 10 minutes a web page did appear and it looked very nice and now it appears to load quite quickly. It looks like dotnetnuke - if so well done for getting it working in your account!

  5. Very nice color scheme. I like it and the whole color scheme seems to meet the carving theme.
  6. Thanks for the critiques! Yes, it is DotNetNuke. Now, since it is loaded in a subdirectory, I'm working on rewrite rules to enforce canonical links (force www) and remove the /wccc/ from the path. It now almost works - It redirects to the www subdomain, and also works if I manually delete the /wccc/ from the url, but I can't seem to get the redirect to work if /wccc/ is in the link. That's an issue with DNN - I'd have to modify a lot the source and recompile to change the way it generates links. I thought the new URL Rewrite module would make it easy... Oh well, I'll get there. I want ed to get this done before submitting the site to the search engines.

    Best regards,

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