I tried the Wordpress installation last night and added a new database to my account. After modifying the database settings in the appropriate PHP file I'm still getting an error trying to browse to the blog below: http://skymobileweb.com/wordpress/index.php I contacted DiscountASP.net support and they suggested making some changes to the web.config file, and attached the link below to article on how to resolve these issues: http://aspdotnetfaq.com/Faq/how-to-...ld-applications-in-subfolders-in-asp-net.aspx Per this link I tried the changed noted below but I'm still having problems: <location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false"> <system.web> ... </system.web> </location> I also tried <location path="~/wordpress" inheritInChildApplications="false"> but still didn't have any luck. Does anyone have any suggestions on web.config changes that will get Wordpress working? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!