Yellow screen of death when moving site from other company

Discussion in 'Windows / IIS' started by iedotnet, Apr 1, 2008.

  1. Hi,
    I am in the process of migrating my website from Verio to DiscountASP. When running my site at I get the following error:

    "Invalid object name 'iedotn.dbo.ug_Events'. "

    iedotn was/is the name of the existing database at Verio. I have done a search and replace for iedotn/SQL2005_474198_iedotnet in all of the code, recompiled and uploaded but still get the same error. Searching for "iedotn." in all the source code returns 0 results.

    I have started/stopped IIS and recycled the app pools, and have also stopped IIS when deleteing and uploading files.

    DiscountASP settings:
    2008/IIS 7
    IIS set to classic mode (have tried integrated)
    SQL Server: SQL2005_474198_iedotnet

    Ithink perhaps the old files are still being held in the temporary folder. I have submitted a help ticket, and they suggested I try the forums.

    Thanks for your help,
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    The error indicate that your application is trying to query an invalid stored procedure, view or table in the database.

    I recommend you check the connection string and make sure it is pointing to our SQL server. In addition, make sure you uploaded all your database objects.


  3. Hi Bruce,

    I just figured that out. There was a storedproc that got by me, with the old database name in it. Works like a champ now.


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