Yet another new site

Discussion in 'Site Design, SEO, Google and Site Promotion' started by dcsaha, Apr 6, 2006.

  1. After a brief web presence in 2003 and a long pause till april 2006, started working again on

    New here at
    Appreciate your valueable suggestions and constructive criticisms

    Thanks and regards
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    1) I would get rid of the hit counter at the bottom of the page. Hit counter is really popular back in late 90s but no new site uses it any more. It will give website visitor a feeling that the site is outdated.

    2) I suggest making the navigation a little bigger (may be graphic instead of basic text link)


  3. bruce many thanks, i agree
  4. Thanks, I admit that the functionality there is only very basic, and has scope of lots of improvement like you suggested! thanks for your time and suggestion
  5. 1. I would make the infohighway gif transparent.
    The website is functional in that it provide the target audience the information he or she needs.
    If it has not already been mentioned, you should write code so that the user does not have to hit the back button to get to your site after clicking a link. For example, I clicked on GoldMedal Soft and left your site completely.I would have another browser open up...just a suggestion

  6. mjp


    The site is very simple, but that is effective for software download sites.

    A couple of things; I would agree that dropping the "hit counter" is a good idea. You can activate site statistics in your control panel if you haven't done so already, and they will provide you with better traffic measurements than a hit counter. >> Tools & Utilities >> Stats / Raw Logs

    Also, if you aren't generating a lot of traffic at the moment, I would consider removing the Google ads. If you are generating enough traffic to offset some of your costs with the ads, congratulations. But - and this is just my opinion - I think the ads detract from a site, and in the worst case scenario, put links to your competitors right next to your product. I understand that you are giving the program away, but the idea is to keep your visitors on your site.


    DiscountASP.NET Team
  7. On the topic of substituting your text links with graphics, I have to take issue. You can simply style your text navigation links to appear as though they're graphics and still keep your delivery lightweight. Several examples of this are available at Stu Nicholls site.
  8. thanks mjp and tisnew for good suggestons.

    mjp, stat does show the number of requests - but doesn't show page views. any idea about actual page visits?

    ads are there for experiment only
  9. mjp


  10. I may consider LiveStats later, thx
  11. Some how I am not happy with Livestats of Deepmatrix either. For example right now there are 18 users on my website. It gives all their IPs but location and company are not available. Where as ARIN WHOIS correctly gives all the those details of these IPs. Similarly half the browsers are not even recognized. I could not find report on server errors either..

    IP Company Name Location Time Spent - - 00:59:26 - - 00:29:01 - - 00:29:00 - - 00:02:49 - - 00:02:30 - - 00:00:15 - - 00:00:03 - - 00:00:01 - - 00:00:01 - - 00:00:00 - - 00:00:00 - - 00:00:00 - - 00:00:00 - - 00:00:00 - - 00:00:00 - - 00:00:00 - - 00:00:00 - - 00:00:00
  12. mjp


    It looks likereverse lookup of IPsis enabled by default (which is where LiveStats would get the location information). I just did a test setup of LiveStats on my account and the location/company name fields are working. Are any of your entries showing that information?

  13. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    i don't think the problem is with Livestats. These IP addresses do not have proper reverse look up setup.

    I am not too sure about how Livestats location and ISP lookup works though.


  14. If ARIN can recognize, I do not know why Livestats can't.

    Similarly just have a look at unknown browsers, whopping 61%. Some thing wrong with live stats or am i wrong somewhere in my settings ? I am just using default not yet changed anything.

    # Icon Browser Type Total
    Visits Average
    Historically Change Percent
    1. Unknown 2,408 - -505 Last Period: 2,913 61.63%
    2. MSIE 6.x 1,047 - +9 Last Period: 1,038 26.80%
    3. Firefox 1.x 140 - -18 Last Period: 158 3.58%
    4. AOL 9.x 136 - -10 Last Period: 146 3.48%
    5. Netscape 4.x 63 - +4 Last Period: 59 1.61%
    6. Netscape 7.x 33 - +16 Last Period: 17 0.85%
    7. MSIE 5.0x 28 - -7 Last Period: 35 0.72%
    8. MSIE 5.5 17 - 0 Last Period: 17 0.44%
    9. Opera 3.x 11 - -8 Last Period: 19 0.28%
    10. MSIE 4.x 7 - -4 Last Period: 11 0.18%
    11. Opera 5.x 4 - +3 Last Period: 1 0.10%
    12. Netscape 2.x 3 - -5 Last Period: 8 0.08%
    13. AOL 4.x 3 - +3 Last Period: 0 0.08%
    14. Netscape 3.x 2 - -5 Last Period: 7 0.05%
    15. Netscape 4.5 2 - 0 Last Period: 2 0.05%
    16. Avant 1 - 0 Last Period: 1 0.03%
    17. Opera 7.x 1 - -3 Last Period: 4 0.03%
    18. Firefox 0.x

    Post Edited (Kantreddi) : 6/1/2006 11:20:04 AM GMT

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