Bus Seat Layout Help

Discussion in 'ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core' started by maddyrafi, May 18, 2012.

  1. goto this website http://staging.ticketgoose.com/ in rightside select from: chennai and

    to:madurai and select date and give search...
    it will display the results...
    now i have completed this work in my project using webservice this is the API of that

    now i want to know.... in that search result it has book option now click the book button now

    see the booking seats are displaying there...

    i want to brinh that in my project... in this given API what is the table of that booking

    seats.... pls gothrough the API and tel me the table name pls....

    fisrt i have search the result from this table getTripListV2 in that API, and my code was


    TGTravelServiceService ts = new TGTravelServiceService();

    var data = ts.getTripListV2("userid", "pwd", DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Value,

    DropDownList2.SelectedItem.Value, txtdate.Text);
    GridView1.DataSource = data.tripList;
    like this...

    how will i got the seat booking layout in that kindly Help me pls....

    Pls see this link:



    Use getTripListWithAvailableSeats funciton for get Available seat.

    my code

    TGTravelServiceService ts = new TGTravelServiceService();

    var data = ts.getTripListWithAvailableSeats("userid", "pwd", DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Value, DropDownList2.SelectedItem.Value, txtdate.Text); GridView1.DataSource = data.tripList;

    but it not comes image layout its bing only in gridview.... like arrivaltime departuretime seats and tickettype.... but i want image layout see that staging.ticketgoose.com and search the from and to place and give search and see the gridview and leftside it has book button click that book and the image layout of that bus like that i want to implement kindly tel me how to do that ? you are my only hope pls help me ?

    This is my web reference API


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