How to disable or turn off IIS 7 detailed errors?

Discussion in 'Windows / IIS' started by gannina, Mar 16, 2008.

  1. Hi, when I would like to turn off IIS 7 error reporting when my site is live, and turn it on when performing updates or maintenance. I like the errors that IIS 7 gives, but I don't want the world to see the extremely detailed and colourful error messages. There must be a way to turn these off in the web.config, does anyone know how? This is what I am trying so far.

    Note: On my IIS 5.1 test server I really only need a 404 error page, because it isn't insane like IIS 7.0 which spits out a different error message for every little nuance. I pretty much want all 4** errors going to 404 page not found.

    <customErrors mode='On'>
    <error statusCode='404' redirect='/CustomErrors/404.aspx'/>
  2. I keep getting the following error:

  3. This should work. But keep in mind that this will only cover .net web applications. If you want other sites, such as (.htm, .html, .asp, or .php) to return a custom error page, you will need to set the custom error page in the IIS 7 manager. It should be in the IIS portion of the IIS 7 Manager, under Error Pages. You will need to go to 'Edit Features' under Error Pages and choose Custom Errors.

  4. I'm kind of lost, where is the IIS 7 manager? Is it part of the discountasp's control panel, or is something I need to download separately? I have thoroughly searched the IIS manager in the control panel and the only section relating to errors is 'custom errors' and that is to set 404 and 500 error pages.

    Post Edited (john123) : 3/17/2008 6:13:17 AM GMT
  5. Ok, I found a tool called IIS 7 manager from Microsoft (works with XP), so I downloaded it, but now I don't know how to connect to the server. Where would I find server address, username, and password? I have tried using my domain name, the alternate domain name, with every combination or user name / password that my discountasp account uses, and I keep getting a 401 unauthorized.

    Here's a link to the download for IIS 7.0 manager
  6. Finally got it working, thanks tech support!

    For other people having problems, here's a little how to:

    File -> Connect to Site
    Server: You alternate website address (without http://)
    Site: You domain name (lowercase, just the name, no www or .com in it)
    User Name: Same as your control panel login
    Password: Same as you control panel login

    There's a link to download IIS 7 Manager a few posts up.
  7. Thanks bro. [​IMG]
  8. The server and site name will be your domain name. i.e. minus the www.

    The login and password will be your account login and password.

  9. mjp


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