I just wanna use BlogEngine.NET 1.4.5 (web) in my site

Discussion in 'ASP.NET Starter Kits' started by iamcodemonkey, Oct 6, 2008.

  1. I am having the same problem and it is getting frustrating.
  2. Wow...Thanks for posting that, you probably just saved Dev's from a bunch of headaches.
  3. I am a new member, I tried to apply the steps written here Community Forum: How to install BlogEngine.NET on DiscountASP.NET .NET hosting platform.
    according to this link, I did the steps...

    1) I created a sub-directory in the serverand uploaded all of the contents of blogengine.net 1.4.5(web) there.

    2) I configured the sub-directory as an application from the web application tool

    3)From theUser/Quota ManagerIwas sure that the ASPNET user account has some disk space

    4) It is said that in the next step head into the Permissions Manager to make sure that the ?anonymous? user has both read and write permission on the sub-directory that you transferred your files to . But I cant give the default users any permissions from the Permissions Manager, so I created a new user and I gave him read and write permissions.

    after these steps I tried to open my site from the browser but I took this error message "
    500 - Internal server error.
    There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed."

    please help me.
  4. Hi,
    Your anonymous user has access unless you make changes foryour folder to keep anonymous out.
    Hard to guess what may be going on but I'd suggest you get someone to take a look at it for you.
    If you don't find out what's going on and you can't find any help let me know and I'll take a look if you choose.

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