Outlook 2007 - SMTP not able to send emails

Discussion in 'Email' started by bstewart, Sep 15, 2007.

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  1. I'm having similar issues.

    In my situation my ISP requires SMTP authentication. If discountasp.net is going to require authentication I feel like I might be in a, cant get there from here moment.

    I can send and recieve mail from smartmail, but sending and recieving from outlook appears to be not working. Like in other threads I assume that this is due to DNS not yet being updated.

    I guess I'll continue to troll the forums for further insight.

    [email protected]
  2. In the last 10 minutes or so I'm been able to receive emails in both outlook 2007 and smartmail.

    However; the problem of sending mail from outlook 2007 still persists. I'm getting the error.

    Send test e-mail message: Outlook cannot connect to your outgoing (SMTP) e-mail server. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).

    My ISP cox.net requires that I authenticate against their SMTP server when sending mail. I've tried using cox's authentication directions and DiscountASP.net's and still can't get it to work.

    [email protected]
  3. Woot! Tech support provided a fix.

    It turns out I needed to use a different port for outgoing mail for my ISP(cox.net). Switching to port 587 and double checking all of the mail server settings did the trick!

    A big W O O T to tech support!!! They ROCK!!!

    [email protected]
  4. I tried following the Knowledge Base instructions on setting up POP3/SMTP access to my SmarterMail accounts. It seems to work fine for POP3,but not SMTP. And, I did set the "outgoing server requires authentication" to true and applied the fully qualified username and password. No matter what I set in the outgoing server tab, I get the following message:

    Send test e-mail message: Outlook cannot connect to your outgoing (SMTP) e-mail server. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).</BLOCKQUOTE>
    Any thoughts?
  5. Port 587 worked ... thank you very much!!!
  6. This is weird....

    I was using the old skool email last night through Outlook 2007 and everything worked fine. Was migrated to SmaterMail last night, changed my password, logged on to web mail no problem....

    When I tried Outlook though, I too received the dreaded can't send error (although I can receive). I changed the port to 587 like you guys and it worked. So why do I suddenly need to use a new port when the old 25 worked before the switch?


  7. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    That's quite bizzare!!

    Did you restart Outlook after the upgrade?


  8. I know I restarted both outlook 2007 and my PC after the migration was complete and still had trouble with port 25. Once I switched ports all was good.
  9. Just tested again and Port 25 still doesn't work. I've restarted several times and switched between 25 and 587. 587 works every time, 25 doesn't work at all. Any chance the Discount.asp team can look into this or do I need to raise a ticket?
  10. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    i suggest you try telnet to the SMTP server's port 25 and see if you get any response. If you don't get any response or you get an error, then something in your network or your isp is blocking port 25 (which is very common these days).


  11. Tried the telnet to my smtp server (port 25)and got through just fine with a response of"220 xxx.internetmailserver.net"
  12. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    That's strange.. if you can telnet to 25, you should be able to connect using outlook. try remove and recreate the profile.


  13. Posted Today 7:08 AM (GMT -7)

    I just switched from charter.net to att.net and all my discountasp.net domains could no longer send mail through Outlook. After research I discovered that many isps are blocking port 25 to stop spamming and that you may use port 587 for the outgoing smtp port.

    Hope this saves some discountasp.net user a few minutes.


    [​IMG]More Info Here
  14. I hope you add this work-around to your email setup instructions. Spent the better part of an hour with this until I stumbled upon this post and found a solution. GRRR!
  15. mjp


    bulletTooth said...
    I hope you add this work-around to your email setup instructions. Spent the better part of an hour with this until I stumbled upon this post and found a solution. GRRR!

    Well, that's one of the catch-22's of writinginstructions or tutorials- you want them to be concise, because if you detail everything that could possiblycause an erroryou wind up with a huge document that no one reads. Port 25 blocking is becoming more common, but I'm not sure it is common enough to warrant adding that caveat to setup instructions.

    It also is not always possible for a userto change the port, so we tend to recommend using your ISP's SMTP server for outgoing mail.

  16. Ok, glad I found this forum. I was going crazy. Smartmail offerred no help for SMTP other than to contact our ISP, and the Discountasp.net help section offerred nothing about using Port 587 (rather than port 25) for outbound email. Switching ports did the trick for me, too, using Outlook 2003.
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