who know how to open a page in certain part, not in the begining depending the subtitel

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by torvic, Nov 17, 2006.

  1. Hello, Im breaking my head with this topic, but the reality I dont even know how to look for it in the internet, I have 2 websites and would like to simplified a little bit the quantity of pages, the only way possible for my eyes is with this tecnic of open some pages in certain point, like a subtitel. well hope what sombody opend my road with this step, Thanks!!!
  2. The option you need is Named Anchors.
    In Dream Weaver the shortcut is Ctrl+Alt+A
    Mark Wisecarver
  3. something like this...

    top of the page

    <a href="page.aspx#part1">click to go to part1</a>

    middle of the page

    <a name="part1">part1</a>

    Joel Thoms
  4. mjp


  5. thanks a lot, I find my way with the anchors!!

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