Correct the date

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by Steve, Apr 17, 2018.

  1. Hello

    I have the following to display the current date on my Web pages:

    Function ReturnDate() As String

    Dim theDate As String = ""

    Dim NumericDayofMonth As Integer = Date.Now.Day
    Dim OrdinalSuffix As String = ""

    Select Case NumericDayofMonth
    Case 1, 21, 31
    OrdinalSuffix = "<sup>st</sup>"
    Case 2, 22
    OrdinalSuffix = "<sup>nd</sup>"
    Case 3, 23
    OrdinalSuffix = "<sup>rd</sup>"
    Case Else
    OrdinalSuffix = "<sup>th</sup>"
    End Select

    Dim NumericMonthofYear As Integer = Date.Now.Month
    Dim MonthofYear As String = ""

    Select Case NumericMonthofYear

    Case 1
    MonthofYear = "January"
    Case 2
    MonthofYear = "February"
    Case 3
    MonthofYear = "March"
    Case 4
    MonthofYear = "April"
    Case 5
    MonthofYear = "May"
    Case 6
    MonthofYear = "June"
    Case 7
    MonthofYear = "July"
    Case 8
    MonthofYear = "August"
    Case 9
    MonthofYear = "September"
    Case 10
    MonthofYear = "October"
    Case 11
    MonthofYear = "November"
    Case 12
    MonthofYear = "December"
    End Select

    theDate &= DateTime.Now.Day.ToString() '1, 2, 3, 4 etc
    theDate &= OrdinalSuffix & " " 'st, nd, rd, th
    theDate &= MonthofYear & " " 'Jan, Feb etc
    theDate &= DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() '2013, 2014 etc

    Return theDate

    End Function

    However, it shows the date of the server and not my local date.

    How may I correct that, please?
  2. martino

    martino DiscountASP.NET Staff

    RayH likes this.

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