Domain Pointer

Discussion in 'Site Design, SEO, Google and Site Promotion' started by dannypr, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. Hello,
    I created a domain pointer that points to my site.
    The domain pointer is

    it points to

    in the root of my site I put a default.aspx file that redirects to
    /funshui folder .

    Now If I want google to index what should I do?
    Will there be problems?
    I encountered a problem when trying to validate ownership on under the webmaster tools. even though I added the link to the /funshui folder, I could not validate ownership.

  2. Jmeeks

    Jmeeks DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Hi Danny,

    The problem you are running into here has to do with the fact that this is a pointer domain you are trying to validate with Google. From an indexing standpoint Google tries to remove pointer domains from it's index because it is view as duplicate content. To that extent, Google will do the same when in the webmaster tool. With the tool, Google can see that the domain pointer is not the root domain for the site, because the site in question would have already been validated with the original domain and the indexed sub pages are all using the original domain as well.

    Hope that helps
  3. Thanks for the reply

    So you say the site will not be indexed? And it will not be possible to search for it in google?

  4. Jmeeks

    Jmeeks DiscountASP.NET Staff

    The site itself will be indexed, but one thing that Google does is try to remove duplicate content. If it sees two domains with the same content it will remove one from the search results and keep the other. In this case since they will see one domain is just a pointer, they will listed the root domain for the site and not the pointer.

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