How do you monetize your website?

Discussion in 'Site Design, SEO, Google and Site Promotion' started by PJ2010, Nov 23, 2011.

  1. Let's say you are getting around 500 to 1500 unique visitors an hour on your website. How would you go about monetizing this aside from putting Google AdSense on it? For example, is there a clearinghouse for advertisers that want to advertise on your website or do you just approach parties on a case-by-case basis? Is this too small a number for anybody to be really interested? Is AdSense therefore realistically the only option for such a small trafficked page? Any pointers to resources would be appreciated.
  2. Takeshi Eto

    Takeshi Eto DiscountASP.NET Staff

    The value of your site for advertisers will depend on how targeted your site/visitors are. I don't know what your site content is - but for example, if your site was all about a specific topic like gardening, or golf, or ..... and your visitors were there because of their interest in those topics - then you can reach out to the vendors that sell goods and services to that market. There may be copanies that specialize in dealing with advertising to those specific targeted markets too.
  3. true what Eric says especially if u have very good traffic. ads will defo generate cash. you can profit even more- try installing a toolbar, when people click it this generates more cash
  4. killingjoke, elaborate on the toolbars thing, please
  5. PJ2010 if you want an alternative to Google AdSense I would go about trying to sign up with an ad network who has optimization capabilities so that they can match your real estate content with the appropriate advertisers who will find value in utilizing your ad space. TapIt! Mobile Advertising does this and we have the latest state of the art ad platform. Whether you have a a mobile formatted or non mobile formatted website we can still serve ads on your website to those who access your website via mobile. Check it out, signing up takes seconds and integrating our code takes only minutes.

    Laura Dunn | TapIt!™ Mobile Advertising

    Mobile App Developers Earn More With TapIt!™

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