work just local???

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by sury, Mar 28, 2008.

  1. I simply enjoy helping others. [​IMG]
    The only thing driving me nuts is my three very young children.
    They are my best friends but, at my 46 years...
    Kids who are 3, 6 and 9 definitely have the edge. [​IMG]

    Indeed it doeshavelasting rewards.
  2. nothing newer can go easy

    Error2Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Web.Preview' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
  3. The one I attached makes use of the Ajax ControlToolkit.
    Just remove the Ajax sectionsand my sitemap control references.

    If you need me to strip it down for you let me know.
  4. you have to do it for me i am the retard new and new errors coming
  5. I'll create a custom one for you that will work with no editing, other than your specific settings.
    Which type of Server account do you have, 2003 or 2008?
  6. good morning

    I have 2008 server account
  7. The application runnig and after clicking send message geting interesting error from

    Windows Internet Explorer

    There was a problem in sending the email:Failure sending mail.

    I have Internet explorer 7.
  8. The new version is attached.
    Make the change in the code to your e-mail address from mine.

    Attached Files:

  9. thanks a lottttttttttttttttttttttttt

    I have been kind of stresed lately so i am apologize for many stupid question

    something about me.I have always truble with simple things but very easy ican hande difficultsituation

    Can't say if its good or bad its just me.

    Say hello to yours girls from czech guy who newer give up

  10. Error1Theme 'main01' cannot be found in the application or global theme directories.C:\123456789\Web.config44

    So i am erase from web config

    <pages theme="main01" compilationMode="Auto" maintainScrollPositionOnPostBack="true" enableSessionState="ReadOnly" enableViewStateMac="false" enableEventValidation="false">


    <add tagPrefix="asp" namespace="System.Web.UI" assembly="System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"/>

    <add tagPrefix="asp" namespace="System.Web.UI.WebControls" assembly="System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"/>



    copying files on my account going on my web site

    Its say meesage was send but a never get email "i tried cople differente emails"

    if you have a second you can try ithere
  11. Glad to help, thanks for the notes.
    Please understand that I do not ever call anyone names. [​IMG]

    PS - My children are not all girls..
    Samuel is 9 (Soccer star!)
    Gabriela is 6 (Princess!)
    Lucas is 3 (Man of the house!)

    Here they are:
  12. nice I see you worked hard on kids too I am trying have 1 or two but didnt have lucky yet.
    Where do you live?

    do you know how worksPasswordRecovery control in wisual web studio.

    I have source code and video how that works but of course doesnt work how i whould like

    You allready helped me with membership,rules and email contactthis is the laste ting what ilike to seehow works

    What am i missing propably something in configuration won't send recoverypasword "error".OR another optionI can erase it

    from my aplicationand be done .I have been working on myfirst web site laste couple weeks.Its not done yet but i am getting closer.
  13. I'm in Johnson City, Tennessee.
    Within a stones throw from Buffalo Mountain.
    I'm the one that does trail maintenance, with a double-bit Axe,when the storms toss the trees around up there. [​IMG]

    As for the Password options, look here:
  14. Hi Sury,
    It's working, you've been sending messages to me all night. [​IMG]
    You need to edit the file Default.aspx.vb, change my e-mail address to yours, on line 6.


    In the web.config, where you see this:

    <pages theme="main01" compilationMode="Auto"

    Change it to this:


    Sury, You seem to really be struggling with this...
    Have you considered using a ,free, Starter Kit?

    This is a good one to download and learn from:

  15. I like to hear you not just computer guy you know the physical activity have to be too
    or you know what's gonna hapend. I have been climbing in Tennessee 2 year ago.Its nice.
  16. All of the people around here think of me as an outside type Harley guy.
    My love of the outdoors, and riding, has definitely kept me young.
    Guess I do push the edge however, no junk food, no fast food, no colas, no garbage food at all.
    Besides swinging an Axe for exercise I also cut our grass with a manual Reel mower, fuel free, just muscle.
    My brother always jokes that when they finally bury me my stone will read:
    [ Here lies a healthy man ] [​IMG]
  17. hello again how adwertise web site ? new week new power for new surprise!

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