Locked DB file I cannot delete

Discussion in 'Web Matrix v2 beta [Closed]' started by satmanuk, Nov 7, 2011.

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  1. id : user265
    I seem to have a file uploaded while I was testing an MVC app that I cant remove due to a script command...

    from log (below) how can I access/unlock it?

    01:30:16: Object filePath (user265.webmatrix2.discountasp.net\App_Data\NerdDinner.mdf) skipped due to skip directive 'Autogenerated Skip Directive 1062'.
    01:30:16: Object filePath (user265.webmatrix2.discountasp.net\App_Data\NerdDinner_log.ldf) skipped due to skip directive 'Autogenerated Skip Directive 1061'.
    01:30:16: Deleting dirPath (user265.webmatrix2.discountasp.net\App_Data).
    01:30:16: The error code 0x80070091 was encountered when processing 'E:\web\user265\htdocs\App_Data'. This error will be ignored.
    01:30:16: Deleting dirPath (user265.webmatrix2.discountasp.net\bin\App_Data).
  2. you should be able to FTP into the site and remove it, try to recycle app pool and stop it from the control panel to make sure nothing is using the database and prevent it from being deleted.
  3. Thanks for your reply,

    WebMatrix Remote View lists the files but does not allow me to delete it, that log file was from an attempt to copy up and delete server files while doing it.. Can I connect to it using normal FTP? FTP connection credentials were not given in the Sandbox trial setup email so not quite sure how what to connect to as it only appears to have webdeploy available..
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