I have a very basic .Net 2.0 page - no master page, nothing happening in the page_load function. If I purposefully put an error on the page it shows the error message as it should. But if the page is coded correctly, the page just spins forever -- no error message, no nothing returned. The bulk of this website is classic-ASP and those pages come up just fine. But the few ASPX pages on the site do not display. Been looking thru the control panel and everything seems fine. Recycled the worker process. Stopped/restarted the website. Verified ASP.NET version set to "2.0/3.0/3.5 sp1" ... nothing seems to get this to work. Could there be some other setting that has been overlooked to get the .Net page to function correctly? thanks, Randy
Have you tried running your site with Fiddler running to see if you get and HTTP error messages? You can also try Google Chrome using Developer Tools to see if you get any error messages too. If you do can you please provide these error messages?
I have used Firebug in Firefox and can see that NOTHING is being returned to the client. No response headers... just really weird. I have tried this with multiple ASPX pages on the site. At this point, my conclusion is that DiscountAsp.Net is NOT serving up ANY ASPX pages at all for this website. Is there some basic flag to say, YES, we have dot-net pages on the site?
Also, just a side note, I tried the new "Failed Request Tracing" thru the web control panel. I turned it on, set the folder for the log file to be created... and no file is created. In the "web application tool" we are assuming that the root application is itself configured to server dot-net pages. I know that you do not need to create an "application" within IIS to serve classic-ASP pages. But for dot-net pages you do. We are under the assumption that the root is an IIS application. Is that assumption incorrect?
Yes, the root of your account is an IIS application. Have you checked your web.config file? Are you connecting to a database? It's hard to pinpoint the problem if there's no error message and without some more information about your application.
The test ASPX files that we have put in place do not connect to a database. They are very basic. Nothing is done in the "page_load" function. These files work fine in our test environment. I agree -- hard to pinpoint the problem if there's no error message. That is the heart of the problem. Normally, we would see issues in the server event logs, but we don't have access to that on DiscountASP.net.
FYI: even though the page in question does not connect to the database, the "Session_Start" event in the global.asax would. This is the connection string for the database: <add key="Connection" value="Server=tcp:sql2k509.discountasp.net; Database=SQL2005_898948_bluefinger; uid=bfpuser; pwd=*****; Network Library =dbmssocn; Connect Timeout=60"/> Can you confirm if this would be the correct server/database? thanks, Randy
The connection string looks ok to me. You might want to try removing the Network Library and Connect Timeout options.
Thanks! Removing the "Network Library" of the connection string did the trick. The site is now serving .net (ASPX) pages. thanks!