Hello, One of the email accounts I created for myself (actually my main account), appears to have been compromised. I can no longer log into it. I assumed I could go in as Admin, and change the password or delete the account. I do not see where to do that. I assume it is obvious and I am just missing it. Thanks!
You can do that through Control Panel. In the left nav click: Email Management > SmarterMail Manager On the next screen in the "QUICK VIEW/EDIT by EMAIL TYPE" section, select "Email Users" from the dropdown. A box will open below listing your addresses. Click on the address you want to change the password for and the fields will open allowing you to change the password.
Perfect! Easy enough to do in 2 seconds ... just obscure enough for me not to feel TOO dumb. Thanks much. And if that's your real hair: well done sir.
It's all too real, I'm afraid. And yes, the password change in Control Panel isn't exactly obvious, so a little pointer never hurts.