Why I am leaving DiscountAsp after 5 years

Discussion in 'Open Discussion' started by jvandertol, Jun 23, 2013.

  1. Well I got a notice that my account was suspended for my production web site. Yikes, I knew my credit card had expired but I was busy and so on and so on. Sure enough look at my email and 7 days prior I received 1 email. Mind you have multiple accounts and have updated the billing information those. I am an affiliate. I gave my business to DiscountAsp because they were good and a smaller company. You would hope that one would be treated with a bit more care from a smaller company, but I boy was I wrong.

    One email, nothing more until a suspend email and they promise they'll get me back up within 2 hours of normal operating hours. They open at 8am on weekdays. So do my customers.

    So I'll pay this time and move as quickly as I can to Azure or Amazon. Looks like they have better services, better monitoring and they can't care less about customers than DiscountAsp. Clearly I dropped the ball but I would have hoped for one more email prior to turning me off, off hours processing of credit cards for someone how has done business with them for some time.

    So by bye bye. I will also be starting a blog www.discountasptoazure.com or www.discountasptoamazon.com, whatever I choose. I'll do whatever I can to help others avoid this unhappy situation that I walked into.
  2. mjp


    Hi Joseph. I'm not a big fan of a lot of the limitations of our billing system myself, to be honest. Our past-due notification/suspension system has evolved over time and has been given a lot of thought, but it isn't perfect. That being said, our goal is always to keep past-due accounts active for as long as we can, because we don't want to interrupt anyone's service if we can help it.

    What caused a problem here, I suspect, was that our system does not attempt to charge an expired card, so you don't get a "charge failed" notice. So in that case, yes, you may have received only one email prior to suspension, then a notice on suspension. I should also mention that we typically call people on the phone before suspension, but on Sunday we had a phone issue that prevented the billing department from making any outgoing calls.

    I hear you when you say more notices would be better, and we will look at adding some logic to the customer communication system that sends additional notices if the account remains unpaid.

    I understand why you would want to leave us too. I would probably feel the same way (I'm a hosting consumer as well as a provider). But I think only one bad glitch in five years over multiple accounts might warrant hanging around and giving us another shot. You aren't going to find perfection anywhere, as I'm sure you are aware. You mention Azure for instance, but just so you know, had this scenario occurred with them, your account would have been canceled (not suspended) the day it was past due, and all your data would have been gone forever. That's the way they roll over there.

    You can email me directly ([email protected]), if there is anything we can do for you. But I would hope you reconsider.

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